Category: Blog

Get the truth on Scoliosis – Mythbusting!

Scoliosis is a complex 3 dimensional condition that results in bending of the spine to one side, a rotation to the front or back and a straightening of the spine in the side view. The most common scoliosis in adolescence is thought to be idiopathic which means its exact cause is multi-factorial or unknown. As… Read more »

New Mums – you don’t have to live with back pain!

At complete chiropractic back pain is probably the most common problem we work with. There are may sources of back pain, but a common (and avoidable) theme for many of our female clients is the stress and strain of being a new mum. Many women look back at the birth of their child as the… Read more »

Preventing osteoarthritis – some easy tips!

Healthy cartilage – the body’s built in shock absorber which can be found in all of our joints, is essential to staying fit, active and healthy throughout life, but too often we take it for granted! Aging, wear and tear and injury can all cause  degeneration in the cartilage, often leading to a condition known… Read more »

How to beat inflammation!

At complete chiropractic, we see lots of clients looking to improve their general health and well being. One of the most talked about issues in this regards in inflammation – an often invisible condition which potentially serious health effects. This week, Dr Irvine talks inflammation prevention through simple tweaks to the diet.   Inflammation is… Read more »