Category: Blog

Can Chiropractic help prevent football injuries?

Football is the most-played sport around the world. And, while its usually safer than say, rugby, or hockey, injuries can and do occur.  Thankfully the application of some simple strategies can go a long way to reducing the risk, for both kids and adults.  Today I’ll explore some of the most common injuries, and how… Read more »

National Back Care Week

The UK Charity BackCare is promoting the importance of back health for children this week as their main focus of National BackCare Week. As a Chiropractor, one of the most important questions we ask our patients at Complete Chiropractic in Chelmsford is about the physical stresses they experienced in childhood.  As the saying goes…’As the… Read more »

Chiropractic – helping people with arthritis

Arthritis is a painful and debilitating condition and can have a significant impact on the quality of life of individuals suffering from this disease.  To help raise awareness of World Arthritis Day in October, Dr Paul Irvine of Complete Chiropractic Chelmsford highlights the benefits Chiropractic care can have for those suffering from this condition. A study… Read more »

Feeling dizzy…try Chiropractic!

At Complete Chiropractic in Chelmsford our patients visit for many reasons.  Some patients seek out a Chiropractor to see if Chiropractic care can help with dizziness. A 2011 case study suggests that chiropractic adjustments may alleviate chronic dizziness associated with neck pain.1 A 29 year old man had been suffering from cervicogenic dizziness for 10… Read more »