Tag: Back pain

Back Pain and the elderly – Chiropractic can help!

Back pain is a common condition among older adults and as our population ages, its only likely to become a more common issue. Chiropractic care has been shown to be one of the most effective methods for dealing with back pain in general, but the results with older patients are particularly good. Chiropractors, unlike some… Read more »

The results are in – Chiropractic care is the #1 solution for lower back pain!

Did you know that up to 85 percent of adults endure low-back pain (LBP) sometime during their lives? What’s worse,  many of the medications used to relieve LBP carry hazardous side effects – In many cases, drugs aren’t fully effective in reducing the pain either.  The good news is that research shows that chiropractic care… Read more »

How to beat inflammation!

At complete chiropractic, we see lots of clients looking to improve their general health and well being. One of the most talked about issues in this regards in inflammation – an often invisible condition which potentially serious health effects. This week, Dr Irvine talks inflammation prevention through simple tweaks to the diet.   Inflammation is… Read more »

National Back Care Week

The UK Charity BackCare is promoting the importance of back health for children this week as their main focus of National BackCare Week. As a Chiropractor, one of the most important questions we ask our patients at Complete Chiropractic in Chelmsford is about the physical stresses they experienced in childhood.  As the saying goes…’As the… Read more »